Friday, November 30, 2007

Aubrey Samantha Hancock

I babysit a precious little baby and have had the most fun taking video and pictures of her growth for her first time parents. As always, when I have pictures or video I am going to make a montage because it is just more fun to watch. Of course, I am putting it on my blog for you to know you love them!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My best friend's little girl

My best friend Lori sent me some pictures of her little girl, Ellie, at the park. She is 20 months old now and just a doll! Lori and I have been friends, through good times and bad, for some nine years now and she is the most wonderful person I have ever met! She has been my salvation more times than I can count. I love ya Lori!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kiley O'Neil

Kiley is my niece, Caitlin's daughter. Kiley and my Kayci are the same age. She is beautiful!! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pecan Pies and Bedtime Stories

Sunday Church

We finally get to go to church as a family today! It has seemed that for the longest time....months...we have not been able to attend together for one reason or another. I am very thankful today to be able to attend church as a family...meaning everyone is well...what a way to end a fabulous Thanksgiving week!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friends, odds and ends

Today we had some dear friends of ours stop by for a visit. The have moved to Georgia this past year so we have not seen them in many months. It is so good when friends stop by and you can catch up! We miss them lots because our girls are close to the same age and are good friends. It just warms and breaks my heart when they have to say their goodbye's with tears, kisses and I love yous! All in all it's good that they understand that 'far away' friends (as Zoe calls it) can be good friends too!! We had a good visit...just not long enough! Of course, we took pictures and thank you for wondering:)

Oh yes, the odds and ends...well while we were waiting for our friends we put up the Christmas lights and those pictures are included too!!


Friday, November 23, 2007


Mark has been off this week and we decided to take a play day today and go to the park! It was very cold and windy but the girls just enjoyed it so much! Of course we brought our 'third eye' to capture the moments so we could enjoy them over and over again!

Mark and I realize what it means to be truly thankful in the little things like just watching your children at play and the enjoyment they get out of it. I am so thankful to have a family to be able to live, laugh and love with!

We hope you enjoy 'playing' with us!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I know that this technique is widely used and not very original; but, it is a good way to express oneself so I am using it today! What does celebrating Thanksgiving mean to me?

T---thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life whom I love very much!
H---happy to be able to celebrate in the way I choose in a country that still affords us that freedom.
A---ability to care for the ones we love!
N---Nan (aka my mom) she is the most special gift from God to me and it is her love and guidance that has shaped who I am and want to be.
K---kisses--life is so much sweeter because of them.
S---songs. I love to sing and I love singing with my family. We sing a lot!!
G---God's love and his greatest gift, Jesus!
I---intimate moments
V---visits from family and friends
I---invitations of the heart. They are the best kind!
N---nice warm fires!
G---girls---specifically my three girls: Zoe, Hannah & Kayci I love you charmed ones!!

May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cooking with Mark

Mark has taken this week off for Thanksgiving Vacation and is thoroughly enjoying himself. He has even taken up baking. He is teaching a class on cookie making for 2-5 year olds. Below is some of his finest work!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How to get children ready for bed:

Zoe and God

Every night Zoe prays before going to sleep. I think that prayers of little kids are just precious anyway; but, I just had to jot this one down!!

"Dear God,
Please help Paige and all my family and God and Jesus. Acause sometimes you just has to give us grace. Oh thank you God. Amen."

...well I thought that summed things up pretty well...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christian.....sealed and settled

In my profile it says 'christian' among other things and I finally grasped the gravity of what that word really means to me. I have been a church- goer most of my life and was raised in a christian family by two christian, loving parents. I made a profession of faith at around 13 years old. Well it was 1984, and the world's fair was in New Orleans. It was also Revival week and one of those 'hell and fire' sermons. I couldn't get down the isle fast enough. I was scared to death!! It was around the age of 19 that I realized that perhaps it was my fear talking that day and I had not really considered what I was doing. With a contrite heart I made a rededication at that time. All in all, I have always gone through my life worried if I had really gotten saved or if I was just fooled. At times in my life it looked as if I was producing fruit and then I would do, say or think things that just didn't gel at all with what a christian life should be.

All in all, I felt something was still lacking. Yesterday, I feel that my questions were answered and I needed to settle this issue once and for all. I prayed as the pastor was preaching....Lord is this me....and felt that yes, I needed to make a decision. Although I did not move yesterday in the service, I spoke with Mark and with my mom and got the conformation that I needed....I literally went into my closet and settled my heart condition one and for all today!!

I feel lifted.....I want to continue to grow and be the type of person God wants me to be so I can be what I need to be for my family.

I wanted all to know because when you make a decision of this magnitude it is good to tell of it!!



Saturday, November 17, 2007

Christmas with a capitol 'C'

I believe this says it all!!

Goin Fishin

Zoe, my oldest, is a avid animal lover and she does not discriminate. She loves kitty cats and lizards the same. Her most recent request came after the school field trip to the petting zoo. "Mama and daddy, I want a chicken!" I quickly answered that we could not keep a chicken inside the city limits but that Pop could keep one at his mother was thrilled....and no, we are not keeping a chicken there still pulls weight with Pop!

Anyway, she and daddy go 'fishing' at grandma Dee's house for minnows quite minnows don't live very long.....once they get home:) They have decided to go today because Zoe says her crab is lonely and needs some friends. Zoe is on her way to call her grandmother to make sure that it is OK to catch the minnows...of course it always is. Grandma Dee was still asleep when they called so Zoe said that she would have to 'fish quietly'.

It is a wonderful time for Zoe and daddy to get to spend some time together so when Mark offered for Hannah to come along...Zoe tried to talk her out of it...Hannah, of course, would have no part of it and wanted to 'play' too!!

I just love to sit back and watch Mark and the girls together. He is such a wonderful father to them and meets their needs and little desires with such enthusiasm and love. He, in my opinion, is the perfect type of man to have daughters. He is so gentle and kind....well I fell in love with him for the same reasons!!

Sometimes I just have to stop and soak in my wonderful life and admire the little things that make us a family. I love my family and each year gets better and better...Mark, myself and our little charmed ones!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

It all started with "I Spy"

I have come down with a cold...which is not to odd for this time of year considering the weather. Zoe, my oldest, has decided to take care of me....this includes reading me bedtime stories. She began with the book, I Spy, followed by a couple of others. It was so sweet to hear her 'storytell' the stories, that I had read to her, back to me. As she read to me, I realized that she felt proud to be contributing to my sweet dreams by giving me 'dream ideas' we call it...through stories. I just had to have her read to Mark as I took video (or digital camera) so we could always remember what a great time we had listening to her stories. Below is one of the stories that she read to us last night...enjoy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's never dull at our home!!

This montage is kind of a hodge podge of several goings ons at our house. Zoe has a bad hair day while trying to get dressed. Hannah relaxes after a long day. Kayci flirts with the camera and plays with Aubrey which is the baby that I sit.

Finally, the girls 'help' daddy prepare the work Thanksgiving turkey.

Hope you enjoy!

Lynn's Letters of Living

My mother in law is using the alphabet in her blog right now to discuss things that she is thankful for ( Finding Direction: The Wind Vane Chronicles ) and it got me thinking about what I am truly thankful for and what each really means to me.

**Disclaimer--no letters were harmed in the making of this list, however not all letters are present and accounted for as of yet**

Attitude--a good one will get you farther than you might think

Blessings--can be masters of illusion

Contentment--is not something you have, it's something you make

Faith--the roots go down and the tree goes up

Girls--I have three and they are the mirrors of my life.

Happiness--comes through doors you didn't even know you left open

Love--is richer when shared

Moments--fleeting treasures

Patience--should be a lifetime achievement

Quiet--communion with God

Time--each moment He gives thankful

Willingness--is the chameleon of opportunity

Youth--has absolutely nothing to do with physical is a condition of the soul


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A blog for my Sister

This blog is primarily for my sister who is studying abroad and will miss this Christmas. She has always been the decorator of the family. I guess it started with words like, "your not going to put that there are you?" AND "...oh my gosh mom, I can't believe you like that!" OR " are the only person who thinks of felt as a fashion statement." She finally took Christmas over entirely!! Each year my parents house would be transformed into a cross between Laura Ashley and Vera Wang. It worked pretty well... until I had kids... who could reach the cornucopias of desire and act as little demolition units! Paige quickly adjusted, placing all the objects of infatuation above the three foot marker...fingertips extended...and tiptoes.

Because she is not here this year, mom had to take a Calgon moment and try to do the best she could....staying away from all the fashion feaux pas that Paige so adamantly fought against in the past. So far she has done a good job as I have not detected any felt.

My house is the one in the slide show as Christmas begins for me the day after Halloween ends. I have lovingly convinced my husband of this starching his underwear...and we deck the halls for Christmas... with a little Thanksgiving...each year. Really, he has come to enjoy it as much as long as we keep all the decor inside till after Thanksgiving.

Paige....I hope you enjoy seeing what I have done so far....remember I have little ones so it is less Monet and more Picasso:) Love you!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Halloween at the O'Neil Household

My Charmed Ones

Well I realize that I have yet to introduce you to my 'charmed ones' as I call them. The oldest is Zoe Elizabeth who is five (going on 25). She is my act first ask questions later, social butterfly, consequences...what's that...child. She is my wide open with both barrels child that leaps before she looks. I am glad that she is my first as I might have not had the energy to deal with her later. She is my sunshine and that is exactly her hot to handle sometimes but always spreads light and warmth wherever she goes! My second, Hannah Paige, is the more cautious of the three so far. She is always analyzing, studying, obsessing over the littlest thing....sometimes overly so. She reminds me most of myself but it has not put a damper on our relationship as of yet. I am sure that those bumps are yet to come. Hannah is two and a half years old but seems very wise for her age.....a trend that I hope continues into adolescence! She is my biggest helper and tenderhearted child. Kayci Lynne is my youngest only seven and a half months old. She is Mark, my husband, reincarnated we believe. She is very observant....which we noticed from the beginning. She does not seem to need to 'take part' in the action going on around her but does seem to want to be in the middle of it.....drawing energy from it and learning from it She is laid back in the respect that she is happy to take her time from eating to cutting teeth. She does seem to be a high intensity baby though...certain things upset her or bother her from time to time and we don't always know what to predict might be a culprit! All in all our children are very different, but that's what makes them so special....we get a lot of variety! It's like eating Neapolitan ice cream....the flavors are so different they compliment each other well! Well that's our gals!! Hope you enjoyed reading about them!

Friday, November 9, 2007

My sister is 14 years younger than me and was quite the drama queen as a child. She also loved to pretend and play dress-up as any Disney princess...although sleeping beauty was her favorite!

However, the sister I'd like to talk about today is a beautiful 23 year old with a college degree and a formidable career as a TV news producer!! She is well liked, admired, pursued, and so much more that if I took time to mention it all this blog would exceed even my capacity for thought!!

My sister, Paige, has been called by Christ, is their any higher power, to be a journeyman to a country so sensitive at this time that it cannot be named due to the danger of her mission. Full well knowing all of this, she still decided to leave her successful career and comforts of home to pursue this post. She actually chose to be stationed here....having been given other options...she felt led to this country.

As the oldest sister, I'd always thought that I was the one that led the pack so to speak and that my younger siblings would just follow my lead. It was true to a certain extent when they were younger and followed me everywhere. It was a powerful thing indeed to realize that you had such powers of persuasion.

As the years passed, I watched my sister blossom into a wonderful young woman. She made choices, gained relationships, learned through adversity and joy, built memories, and earned respect. I have to say that the sister who stands before me today is quite different than the little shadow of a girl who once followed me around.

I am very proud and blessed to call her sister and friend and feel very humbled at her maturity and fortitude of mind and will. She commands my respect and support because of her strength of character and spirit.

I now stand in awe of her new life's journey and await in anticipation her return full of the life changes that will have expanded her further!

My sister, I love you always!!

Lynn I am an inconsistant blogger;)

Well I try! It's not that I don't have thoughts it's just that those thoughts don't make it down to paper or computer most of the time. I guess it has lots to do with priority....I keep five children, three which are mine. I cook and cater for others. I dabble in computer keepsakes where photography and video are concerned and keeping up with my myspace page is work in and of itself (sigh) BUT...I really hate having to sit down and write anything! I'd rather just talk about it!

I promise to post more regularly so I am posting a blog about my sister to tide over the masses (lol) till my next attempt!

Hopefully I'll see you before May!!