Monday, November 12, 2007

My Charmed Ones

Well I realize that I have yet to introduce you to my 'charmed ones' as I call them. The oldest is Zoe Elizabeth who is five (going on 25). She is my act first ask questions later, social butterfly, consequences...what's that...child. She is my wide open with both barrels child that leaps before she looks. I am glad that she is my first as I might have not had the energy to deal with her later. She is my sunshine and that is exactly her hot to handle sometimes but always spreads light and warmth wherever she goes! My second, Hannah Paige, is the more cautious of the three so far. She is always analyzing, studying, obsessing over the littlest thing....sometimes overly so. She reminds me most of myself but it has not put a damper on our relationship as of yet. I am sure that those bumps are yet to come. Hannah is two and a half years old but seems very wise for her age.....a trend that I hope continues into adolescence! She is my biggest helper and tenderhearted child. Kayci Lynne is my youngest only seven and a half months old. She is Mark, my husband, reincarnated we believe. She is very observant....which we noticed from the beginning. She does not seem to need to 'take part' in the action going on around her but does seem to want to be in the middle of it.....drawing energy from it and learning from it She is laid back in the respect that she is happy to take her time from eating to cutting teeth. She does seem to be a high intensity baby though...certain things upset her or bother her from time to time and we don't always know what to predict might be a culprit! All in all our children are very different, but that's what makes them so special....we get a lot of variety! It's like eating Neapolitan ice cream....the flavors are so different they compliment each other well! Well that's our gals!! Hope you enjoyed reading about them!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Lynn -

Let me be the first to comment on your blog. I've just read through all of your posts to date and had already looked at both the videos, so know what's in them, so guess I'm pretty well caught up at the moment with your world.

Momentarily, anyway. I know things change frequently and unexpectedly at times, so I'll be back to check in often. Very often.

Good luck with it. It takes a certain talent and personality, I think, to be a good blogger. You have to like to write, and you've already said you don't like to so that may hinder you.

Plus, those three charmed ones of yours!

Good blog. I just have a really hard time reading on black backgrounds with lighter type because of my eyes, but so far yours isn't TOO bad. Just keep the type BIG and light colored so there's a contrast.

I'd highly prefer a different (light) color, but I'll try it!

of Finding Direction: The Wind Vane Chronicles