Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh that life were a chocolate peppermint stick

Around the holidays...and other times of the year possibly...they make these chocolate peppermint sticks. They are tiny, dipped in chocolate and quite wonderful to eat. This afternoon I gave my girls each a stick and watched them eat it. Of course they got the chocolate all over them and made yum noises as they ate. Zoe and Hannah bit right through and chomped it down but Kayci had to take a different approach because she only has her... 'rat teeth' as we call them... in. She sucked and sucked and smacked and drooled till she had dissolved it and it is all over her face. I got to thinking as I watched the different approaches and realized that it's a lot like how we approach life sometimes. There are those of us that just 'chomp' it right down and then others that saver each moment life has to offer...with almost childlike pleasure. It was in that moment that I decided to take some moments from time to time and experience the pleasure that life is and can be. It is my hope that you will do the same from time to time...make life your 'chocolate peppermint stick' and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, Ooh, I want a chocolate peppermint stick!

Looks yummy, Kayci . . .

Love, Grandma Dee

P. S. Thanks for the insightful words, Lynn.

Lori Ann said...

I want one of those!!! Yum!!!