Zoe has taken an interest in art as it applies to gardening thanks in part to Noggin (see Direct TV 298 or www.mynoggin.com
Anyway, she has decided to grow her own 'egghead' and we decided to keep a online journal about it here on the blog.
First, you need an egg and the best way to get one is to eat one!
After eating, mom carefully cleans out the inside of the egg to get it ready for painting. Next, paint the egg any color and add a face!
Letting the egg dry is a very important step but it sure can be hard waiting!! Once the egg is dry, fill the inside with wet cotton and sprinkle in the seeds. We are using chive seeds.
Lastly, place in a window and wait for the seeds to sprout and grow. Remember keep that cotton moist so check your egghead daily!
Stay tuned for more exciting egghead adventures to come!!
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