Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Each one Special...Each one Different

Kayci doing her sweet smile for the camera. She has become quite a camera hound and loves to show off her teeth whenever she can!

Zoe is playing the piano in her 'band'...granted it's a one-man-band but a band nevertheless! She has asked Nan to teach her piano lessons...we will see (smile).

Hannah is taking care of her baby Aubrey. She has two dolls; a small one named baby Aubrey and a larger one named baby Kayci of course!

Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in this photo! Hannah is working with mama getting that house clean! She has quite an attachment to the vacuum as we clean quite a bit around here! Still it is funny to watch as I am quite sure she is the only 2 year old who cares if the house is clean (smile).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cute pictures, Lynn!

Much love,


Paige said...

Such precious girls! It's great to see their personalities coming out! Miss them very much.

Peggy N Texas said...

You have some great helpers there. I remember I always had my babies with me. They had to be soft bodied dolls because then they were more like real babies!

Don't you just love the mimicing, but it is also scary. Puts more pressure on what we say and do!

Have a great one. I will be posting more on our trips on my blog next week. Thanks for stopping by my blog!