Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Mark Chronicles...Chapter Three: Happy Birthday Sweetness!

Birthday... a special day, set aside for celebrating one's birth. As children, we'd wait with fevered anticipation yet as we got, "more mature", we weren't quite as enamored with it. However; for me, today this word takes on fresh meaning.

My sweet husband, Mark, was born on this date. As I contemplated that, I thought about what a monumental impact his birth has made. His birth and growth, as well as the events that occurred to help shape him, made him into the person he is today. His thoughts and feelings are unique unto him and his personality and nature are a special part of who he is. At some point God began to mold his heart, tenderly preparing him for the husband and father he would eventually become. When God felt he was ready, he guided him to me. Had Mark never been born, I would never have seen the fruits of a culmination of works, both heavenly and human.

I am more grateful than words could ever express having been given such a wonderful gift in Mark. I stand both unworthy and undeserving of such a precious man; yet, God saw fit to share him with me. We are thrice blessed also by our girls that God has gifted to us. They are the very expression of our love as well as it's extension.

On this, your birthday Mark, I'd like to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am to be your wife and mother of your children. I marvel at the wonder that is uniquely you. I pray that God will grant us many more years to celebrate the date of your birth as it was truly the best gift I have ever received.



Anonymous said...

Lynn -

You truly honor not only Mark in this post, but also me, as his mother because I dedicated myself to him and him to the Lord when he was born (and lived).

By your words, you reveal that everything I ever wanted for Mark to be in a Godly way has been granted to him by God and much more than I could have ever dreamed for him in this life.

Thank you!

Love you, Mark!!

Love you all, Lynn!
