Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zoe's lost her first tooth!!

Well it was an ordeal I tell you!! It's just killing me as I wiggle it because it's SO loose and then she almost lets me pull it....but then not quite. However, I finally coaxed it out of her mouth with the promise of ice cream. After I pulled it out she called Nan and told her all about it in detail. "Nan, mommy pulled my tooth and it didn't hurt at all; it was just easy..." She proudly showed her sister to which Hannah exclaimed, "Cool!"

We talked to the tooth fairy and asked if she could come tomorrow night to get the tooth because Zoe wanted to take it to school tomorrow for show and tell.

Anyway, here is a picture of the missing tooth smile!


Anonymous said...

What?! She's lost a tooth, already?! It seems like just yesterday that her teeth were first coming in!

I can't believe she's old enough to be getting her permanent teeth, already. Where has the time gone?

Darling picture of her with her missing tooth.

Thanks for sharing this special moment in her life. Losing her first tooth!

Much love,

Grandma Dee

Anonymous said...

P. S. I love the pictures in the slide show. That's really neat!

And then there's Kayci with pizza all over her face!

Joy! Joy!


Grandma Dee

Mrs. LeBlanc said...

I love it....Great smile!!! and Good job there least yours let you pull it....mine had to go to Grampy...I guess he was a pro at it or something!!!!