Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Best

Here are some photos of Zoe and Hannah in their "Sunday Best".
**Note: Kayci was asleep so we let her sleep and did not take photos!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kayci's Post

Kayci is my youngest girl and she has a sweetness and gentleness about her that reminds me so much of Mark. Tonight as Mark was getting his "girl time"...he does this each night with each girl doing something they love to do...I decided to get he and Kayci "reading". Kayci also decided to pose for a couple of pictures that I couldn't help but include. I just love watching Mark with our special for me! Enjoy curling up with this Kayci book moment!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Zoe's "Thinking Cap"

Zoe came out last evening and exclaimed that she was in her "thinking cap". She said now that she had one, she would be much smarter and be able to think much better! Mark could not help but take a picture of said "thinking cap".

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Graduation Day!!

Here is Hannah's Preschool Program...when it came to funnies...she didn't disappoint! When you visit I can show you the full she did not make it though the entire program once she saw me. She said, "Oh mamma, you found me....that's mamma" and ran down the steps to me. She sang the rest of the program from the pew!

Zoe had her Preschool Graduation today and she was so excited! I am so proud of the things that she has accomplished this past year...WOW has she grown!! Look out Kindergarten...she's coming for YOU!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well today was the first day that everyone swam and I think that the video speaks for itself!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Lunch Time

Just Thought I'd share with you what lunch time is like at the O'Neil Household during the day. Eaters are: Kirby, Zoe, Hannah, Kayci & Aubrey (who has discovered that eating what everybody else eats is FUN)

A fantastic Mother's Day!

I had the most wonderful Mother's Day! Not only did I get to celebrate it with my husband, wonderful children, brother Justin, and my mom and dad; but, my cousin Dinea and her family came down to celebrate with us. We had so much fun as we got to swim in the pool which is a wonderful 88 degrees now! The gentle breeze made it pleasant to be outside whether you were in or out of the pool. I was so pleased to be able to spend this time with my cousin as I have not seen her in about a year. She has three children also; Jonah 12, Ian 6 and Annalia who is just one month older than Kayci.

It was one of those days that could have lasted forever as far as I am concerned! Love ya Dinea and family and we will visit soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Move over Lana comes Zoe and Hannah

Zoe has decided to let her bangs grow out and today was the first day that she wore them back in a barrette. Hannah, of course, had to have her picture taken as well... so here are the girls....before school squeaky clean!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A tale of two shirts

My friend Candace is a true delight let me tell you!! She is pure joy to be around and we laugh and always have a good time! Well, yesterday she was at the store and brought me the most appropriate shirts (for Hannah anyway) for my two younger girls. I am a believer that sometimes pictures can be better storytellers so here are two tales for you!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Special Time.....With my Sisters of the Veil

At our place of worship yesterday, we had a special time of fellowship and prayer with fellow sisters in Him to pray for our Muslim sisters around the world. It was a very special time for me for very personal reasons and I'd like to share that time with you today!

Sallam Alekum....Peace be with you!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Circus and Water Day at Wee School

Bathing Beauties

Is that Hannah or Shirley Temple??

Kayci says, "Hi" in her new bathing suit.

Zoe is ready for her close-up Mr. DeVille!!

Kayci says, "Hi" her new bathing suit!